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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx LaScArBxCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Séminaire AUSONIUS du 26 mars 2020 : Local coinage, consumption, destructions and investment: the Levant (2nd-1rst centh. BCE)

le jeudi 26 mars 2020 de 18h à 20h
Séminaire AUSONIUS du 26 mars 2020 : Local coinage, consumption, destructions and investment: the Levant (2nd-1rst centh. BCE)


Par Boris CHRUBASIK, Associate Professor of Greek History and Classics - University of Toronto

JEUDI 26 MARS de 18H à 20H  Salle Pierre Paris (ACH037) - Maison de l'archéologie - Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Local coinage, consumption, destructions and investment: the Levant in the late second and first centuries BCE.

This paper investigates the political and economic landscapes of the Levant in the late second and early first centuries BCE. While our literary narratives describe the implosion of the Seleukid state and the rise of local warlords, the overall picture created by the numismatic and archaeological evidence complicates this impression. By investigating numismatic trends and patterns of consumption, this paper argues for a nuanced approach on how to analyse the role of the Seleukid state in the first-century Levant.